1. Barraquer wire speculum |
Small – overall length 35 mm, Blade length 10mm |
Adult – overall length 40mm. Blade length 14 mm |
2. Hartman Mosquito forceps |
Straight delicate Serrated tips Overall length 93mm |
3. Troutman superior rectus forceps |
Overall length 106 mm. 1.2 mm wide angled jaws. 1x2 teeth, 0.50mm |
4. Forceps dissecting toothed |
Straight overall length 100mm. 1x2 teeth, 0.25 delicate tips |
5. Forceps discucting non toothed |
Straight: overall length 100mm. Serrated, delicate tips |
6. Forceps Colitri |
Overall length 73 mm. 1x2 teeth 0.40mm with 6mm tying platform |
7. Forceps Hoskins |
Hoskins Tissue forceps (Straight). |
8. McPherson corneal forceps |
Angled. Overall length 86 mm, with 6mm tying platform,1x2 teeth 0.40mm |
9. CaStraightoviejo suture forceps |
Overall length 106mm .Very delicate 1x2 teeth 0.12mm, with 5mm tying platform |
10. Anis lens holding forceps |
Overall length 115mm. Angle to tip 9 mm. Tip widths:0.50mm Extra delicate, smooth jaws 45° angle |
11. Westcott tenotomy Scissor |
Overall length: 114mm. length of blades: 22.0mm. Curved, blunt blades |
12. KraffUtratacapsulorrhexis forceps-1 |
With sharp tip .Overall length: 105mm. Angled to tip 11 mm recessed jaws prevent inadvertent iris |
pickup |
13. Barraquer Needle holder |
Without lock curved: overall length 110 mm lengths of jaws 8.00mm ideal for 8.0- 11.0 sutures |
14. Barraquer Needle holder |
Curved without lock. Overall length 135mm. Length of jaws 10.0mm standard jaws ideal for 4.0 to 7.0 sutures |
15. Barrequer corneal section |
(Corneal sclera) Scissor, Right. Overall length 108 mm lenths of blades 8.0mm angled with stop |
16. Barrequer corneal section |
(Corneal sclera) Scissor Left. Overall length 108 mm |
lengths of blades 8.0mm angled with stop |
17. Surgical blade |
Surgical blade no 15 |
18. Blade handle traoutman |
19. McPherson – Westcott conjuctival Scissor |
Overall length; 108.0mm. Length of blades 10.0mm |
Curved, blunt tips |
20. Vannas Scissor |
Straight overall length: 108mm. Length of blades 10.mm extra thin sharp point for point, for anterior capsule |
21. Irish spatula |
Overall length 130 mm Blade widths 1.00mm |
22. Wilder lens loop |
Overall length 137mm. Width 3.60mm. With |
Serratedations. |
23. Sinskey II IOL Manipulating hook |
Angled (10.0mm). Overall length 115 mm. Top diameter 0.20 blunt tip |
24. Little – No Hole 10L manipulator |
Angled (10mm) overall length 115mm tip width 1.20mm. |
25. Graefes Muscle hook |
Size 2 (10). mm x 1.50mm) .Overall length 140mm |
23. Cautery ball |
24. Air injection Cannula |
27 gauge. Overall length 32mm. Angle to tip 5.0mm |
25 Binkhorst irrigating cannula |
25 gauge Straight. Overall length 35mm, Tip width 2.5mm smooth blunt tip, front opening irrigation or aspirations in 12 o'clock position |
29. Viscoelastic aspirating cannula |
22 gauge: overall length 32m. Angle to tip 10.mm |
30. Simcoe irrigating – Aspirating cannula with sand blasted tip for polishing capsule |
Overall length 15mm. 23 gauge irrigating with angled front opening, 25 gauge aspirating canula with 0.30 mm port irrigation on the needle hub,aspiration on tubing hub,supplied with silicone tubing . Silicone tubing (12 inches) |
31. CaStraightoviejo calipe |
Straight overall length 86mm |
Measures 1.0mm – 20 mm in 1.0 mm increments. |
32. Sterilizers case |
With 2 (two) silicone mats |