Esteem offers the haemoglobinometer square tube type.
The kit consists of following standard setup:
Comparator Holder: -1 Nos.
It is black in colour. The back of the holder is fitted with milky colour screen made of acrylic. In front of the holder there are three windows. The two side windows are fitted with colour comparison. The size of all the three windows are Height 3 cms. (MInimum) Width 0.5 cms. (MInimum)
Square H.B. Tube: -2 Nos.
Square H.B. Tube is graduated on both the side for
the measurement of haemoglobin in respect of
percentage and gram.
H.B. Pipette-1 Nos.
20 microlite H.B. Pipette with latex tube and mouth piece
Amber coloured glass bottle-1 Nos.
Glass Stirrer-1 Nos.
Dropper with teat-1 Nos.
Cleaning Brush -1 Nos.
Spare latex tubing one meter-1 Nos.
All the above are fitted in thermoform tray. Further packed in plastic box.
H.B. Tube is graduated and is calibrated with 2 color standards fitted to color comparator.
The inner dimensions of Glass Tube vary from tube where as our tubes is made of polycarbonate and moulded thru DIE. Hence in all the lot, the inner dimensions of tube are same.
So, if HB tube made of Glass is broken, the whole HB meter is spoiled where as our H.B. Tube is unbreakable and is made of polycarbonate with long life.
Further 2 nos are supplied with each HB meter
Economic rate
Perfect finish.
Type of display: LCD
Sample Method: strip